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tv   NBC Bay Area News at 5  NBC  November 24, 2012 5:00pm-5:30pm PST

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plus, a three-hour-long rescue where a man managed to wedge himself in a drainage pipe. and with the frenzy of black friday over, shoppers with a different mindset set out to enjoy small business saturday. >> nbc bay area news starts now. >> good evening. i'm kris sanchez. we begin in san jose where a teenager is under arrest accused of pulling the trigger in a crime spree that claimed the life of one man and threatened the life of a police officer. nbc bay area is live with the very latest and what we know about this young suspect. >> reporter: kris, police say that 15-year-old was arrested in concord yesterday and is being held here on numerous charges, including suspicion of homicide, attempted murder, and armed robbery. san jose police have been looking for this suspect since last week after police say he and 26-year-old jonathan wilbanks of san jose robbed four
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businesses, fatally shot a man and started a shootout with police that injured one officer. the teen's alleged accomplice was arrested on november 16th, the night of the incident. today a memorial was held for rory park pettiford, 22-year-old shot during the pair's attempted park in the parking lot at the 7-eleven store in the 400 block of keely boulevard. his brother says he's grateful that the second suspect is now behind bars. >> oh, it's amazing. yeah, the -- they let -- the san jose police department let me know on thursday night, on thanksgiving, actually, that they had a second suspect and they were, you know, about to take him into custody. that meant a lot. i couldn't tell you. but, you know, it's a lot of closure. >> reporter: park pettiford's brother says he and his entire family are grateful for the outpouring of support from the
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community as they come to terms with this incredible loss. meantime, police continue to investigate the relationship between the two suspects. the name of the teen is not being released because of his age. his accomplice, jonathan wilbanks, did appear in court on wednesday but did not enter a plea. his next court appearance is scheduled for december 5th. live in san jose, kimler by tere. also in san jose, dozens of people were arrested overnight after a confrontation with police. it happened at a home on patt avenue near white road in east san jose. police say there was a large party in full swing just before 11:00 last night when dispatch started getting reports of gunfire. when officers arrived, people at the party scattered. some ran inside locking the doors and closing windows. moments later officers say people tried to pelt them with bottles thrown from the backyard. about 60 officers were called to the scene. they arrested 33 adults and 9
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juf ni juveniles, assault with a deadly weapon on a police officer. two officers suffered minor injuries. in the park, another shooting not far from the headquarters of facebook. the shooting happened on the 300 block of ivory way. witnesses told police that two suspects got out of their car and fired at the home. fortunate fortunately, no one was injured. the car was last seen traveling eastbound away from ivy drive. h is the fourth shooting in menlo park this month. police ask if you have any information, to give them a call. the san bruno family that was involved in a crash on highway 101 in palo alto on friday lost another daughter. the young woman died from her injuries this morning. chp says the accident when the driver of this suv hit the back of a patrol car parked on the shoulder of northbound 101 near oregon expressway. a family of six from san bruno was inside that suv.
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two daughters were ejected. 24-year-old nisha died yesterday. her sister died this morning. the mother is in critical condition. the chp's officer whose patrol car was hit is recovering from minor injuries. investigators say it is possible the driver fell asleep at the wheel. in the east bay it was a long night for rescue crews and for the men they were trying to free from a storm drainage pipe. around 9:00 nasdaq last night the fire department got a report of a man stuck inside a pipe near the best buy store on fitzgerald drive. when crews arrived they found the 27-year-old man wedged feet first inside a 12-inch metal pipe about 3 feet below the street surface. >> he was agitated, but said he wasn't injured but stuck completely horizontally, basically belly down, feet down, in a core gated pipe that was
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angled at about 60% grade. >> after fire crews excavated part of that pipe they were able to use a saw to cut it open. they managed to get him out safely after midnight. the man had burns and bruises but not seriously hurt. he told rescue crews that he was homeless and it wasn't the first time he had gone in a storm drain to stay warm. >> small businesses across america got their share of the spotlight today. it is small business saturday a-day when the small players in the retail trade hope to compete with those mega malls and store chains. we begin our coverage with nbc bay area's brian mooar in washington. >> reporter: at a little book store just outside the nation's capital president obama and his daughters were thinking small. >> we can do a little shopping as well. happy thanksgiving, everybody. >> reporter: on this small business saturday the president chose to lead by example.
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giving a boost to the small businesses that often get lost in the holiday sales shuffle. >> small businesses are the job creators. two out of every three met new private sector jobs are created by a small business. >> reporter: and those small business owners are counting on their neighbors for survival. >> just don't have that kind of budget, just advertising with the mega marketing. it's nice to still be remembered and small business saturday is the best time that people notice us. ♪ >> reporter: christmas traditions like this seem almost quaint when compared to the new face of the holidays. big chain stores got their holiday season off and running, even before the traditional black friday feeding frenzy. they're hoping an extra shopping week this year can boost their bottom lines to nearly $600 billion. >> i might have to buy a suitcase to take home because i've been shopping for about four days. >> reporter: online retailers are getting into the action on cyber monday.
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but for mom and pop shops across america, this small business saturday is a really big deal. brian mooar, nbc news, washington. here in the bay area, shoppers were plenty aware of small business saturday. and it was a big day for san jose's down attorney willow glen shopping district. they told us they wanted to shy away from busy malls and big box stores and support their local businesspeople in what they say is more intimate shopping experience. >> it's great to support all the small businesses yesterday, you know, you get the mall ready. today is a small businesses. we have better selections and things and we're more personable. we give you personal service. >> shoppers also went out to the east bay to support small businesses in walnut kroecreek. coming up next at 5:00, the
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latest on egypt's growing polarization over a controversial news by newly elected president mohammed more si. the unrest is spilling into violence. plus, the the look back at the life and career of actor larry hagman from his "i dream of jeannie" days to "dallas." and we enjoyed a fairly nice start to the weekend. 60s and 70s for high temperatures just a couple of hours ago. but we're also tracking some rather large changes showing up in the seven-day forecast that will include wind, rain, and some big surf. we'll let you know if it's going to impact the rest of your holiday weekend forecast when we come back.
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egyptian opposition leaders are calling for peaceful protect in the face of mohammed horsi declare for sweeping more powers this week. we have the latest from cairo. >> reporter: at dawn, there were more tense than protesters on tahrir square, ground zero for last year's uprising. but that didn't stop clashes with police on approach roads where protesters blocked traffic, defying president mohammed m okay rsi's orders after he declared sweeping powers for himself, leaving him above the law. we are here because the goals of the revolution have yet to be achieved, said this protester. morsi told supporters he had to
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take radical measures to protect the revolution. and fast track a new constitution being written by a mostly islamist assembly. after which he said he would give up those powers. yes, he might be a dictator for the time being, but these powers will be transferred to an elected parliament, he said. but the decrees have triggered protests and riots across the nation. dozenses were injured in alexandria when angered youth stormed and set fire to mosri's muslim brotherhood. this makes him more of a deck tater than mubarak. critics call it a power grab, tying him to his recent success on the world stage after brokering a cease-fire deal in gaza. but suddenly mosri the mediator is fighting for his political life back home. >> regardless of the timing, this sort of move by morsi would always have been a very risky and polarizing gesture. >> reporter: and just as egypt seemed to be emerging from its
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post revolutionary pain, dls more trouble ahead. opposition members are meeting to plot out their next move. there are already plans for strikes by judges and a call for another million man march against morsi on tuesday. nbc news, reporting from cairo, now back to you. gaza went back to school after a truce appears to be holding. schools were closed because of violence in the region but students today appeared happy to return to the classroom. about 220,000 children attend un schools in gaza. many were seen today talking and walking through the rubble left my israeli air strikes. the truce between israel and hamas was agreed upon on wednesday. leaders from both sides are still working out the details, including lifting the blockade on gaza. still to come at 5:00, he had one of television's most recognizable faces and voices from the 1950s to the '80s. we take a look back at the life
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of larry hagman. ♪ [ male announcer ] introducing a brand new medicare prescription drug plan. it's called the aarp medicarerx saver plus plan from unitedhealthcare. and it's for people who want the lowest part d premium
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world champion boxer hector died today at a trauma center in puerto rico. the boxer known for his lightning kick hands emerged from a troubled childhood to become a world champion in three weight classes. he went into cardiac arrest early today and died after he was taken off of life support. he was shot in puerto rico tuesday while sitting in a car
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outside a bar. he was 50 years old. no arrests have been made in his shooting. actor larry hagman died yesterday at the age of 81 from complications of cancer. television took him from being a befuddled astronaut in the '60s to a ruthless texas oil man in the '80s. we take a look at his life and career. >> i want to shut down. >> reporter: as a larger than life texan in dallas, larry hagman grew a larger than life audience. more than 350 million people tuned in to find out who shot j.r. in 1980. it wasn't much of a stretch for hagman to star in "dallas." the son of legend dare actress mary martin was born in nearby ft. worth in 1941. but it was a magical blond that helped propel hagman to star stat status. he played astronaut anthony nelson in the nbc sitcom "i dream of jeannie" for five seasons. usually playing the straight man
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to barbara eden's wacky wizardry. >> there was a guy with the most beautiful woman in the world who could do anything, go any place. it was real fantasy and real fun. >> reporter: after that came hagman's role on "dallas." a show that kept him employed for more than 14 seasons. >> i'm glad i brought along this bottle of vodka. >> reporter: years of drinking came back to haunt hagman. he suffered from cirrhosis of the liver and liver cancer if in 1995 he received a transplant that saved his life. >> it's wonderful to be here. tell you the god's truth, it's wonderful to be anywhere. >> reporter: after that hagman used his celebrity to raise the awareness of the benefits of oregon donation. for a look at the weather hess let's bring in meteorologist. i'm sure you are remembering larry hagman tonight, too, rob. >> remembering watching "dallas" and watching the reruns of "i dream of jeannie". it was wonderful to see him. as we look at our weather
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forecast today, we did have some mostly sunny skies. in fact, right now you've got a gorgeous sunset looking from oakland over towards san francisco. mainly clear. a few wispy, high clouds biological weapwe might see some patchy fog. the weekend off to a stellar start so far. mainly in the upper 50 tos to m 60s. you can see down to 62 in san jose. the sea breeze is starting to pick up. that's the reason why the peninsula and the coast are running a little bit cooler tomorrow. overall, winds fairly light. i do think that sea breeze is a lit stronger by this time tomorrow evening. looking at the next 24 hours. our future cast, what we're going to see are the low clouds coming back to the coast heading towards tomorrow morning and patchy fog inland and some low clouds spilling into parts of the south bay. during the afternoon, mostly sunny, high clouds go on by. and we should see some clearing on the coast. but those winds onshore likely to week will be finishing off on a cooler note. rain free for now, though. however, we're going see big
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changes toward the middle part of the week. the storm track to tuesday, safely off to the north. watch what happens here as we get into wednesday. we're going to see this deep area of low pressure anchor itself offshore. this is going to spin in some periods of windy conditions and rainy conditions wednesday and then another system follows in on friday. i think late friday into saturday some of the computer model will try to bring in 20-foot surf to the coast. unlike other systems that have brought mainly the rain this one is going to pack winds of 20 to 40 miles per hour on wednesday. periods of heavier rain and along all that see pretty big surf. upper 60s and mid 60s around san jose. maybe close to 70 just the warmest spots around pleasanton and danville. tomorrow, upper 60s in liverm e livermore. 64 around san francisco and 67 in oakland. the next few day it is you need to clear out your rain gutter or
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branches around the house, this is the time to do it. sunday through tuesday, the next four days in the seven-day forecast, everything turns around on wednesday. we're bog to have the winds kick up. rain increase. probably at least a couple inches of rain out of the first system. then thursday the storm track is going to shift to the north. we'll catch a brief break on thursday and then friday, big suffer starts to roll in we're going to get that next storm coming on in. by the time we get through the second half of the week, a few inches of rain. gusty wind and big time suffrf the coast. >> thanks of reminding me for the gutters because they kept me awake last week. >> you don't want them clogged up with all this rain. now for a look at what's coming up in the world of sports, here's henry willford. henry, lots of college football today. >> absolutely, kris. we're ready to go. hut one, hut two, hut three. stanford shook up the pac-12 last weekend with the surprising win over oregon. and currently on the gridiron
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hoping to continue their surge. with the win over ucla the cardinals could punch their ticket to the conference title game. and we've got an update. next at the xfinity sports desk.
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well back. the man on the farm are making a lot of noise this season. eighth ranked stanford cardinal are a victory away from playing in the pac-12 championship, but in order for that to happen, they have to take care of business in southern california. got a score update for you. so far, stanford is looking pretty good. they're leading ucla 21-10 at the half.
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running back stepfan taylor scored on a 49 yard touchdown run and this is his third straight thousand yard season, which is a new school record. we'll have another update during our 6:00 sports cast. all right. from stanford football to stanford basketball. minnesota against stanford. battle for atlanta's tournament. 18 seconds left in the game, stanford down two. dwight powell attempts a dunk and is fouled. he made both free throws to tie the game. minnesota with nooin seconds left. powell knocks the ball away. tray recovers it. takes a shot at half court with .4 seconds left. fouls him. can you believe that? hollins would make all three free throws for the lead. stanford loses a heartbreaker, 66-63. all right. the 49ers are less than 24 hours a i way from their showdown with the saints at the superdome. new orleans averages almost 30 points a game. but give up nearly the same amount on defense.
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they say numbers never lie. head coach jim harbaugh, he isn't reading into the statist c statisti statistics. >> the team is playing high-level football, and on offense, on defense, on special teams. you find some statistic where they rank in the 20s or the 30s or they're number one or they're in the teens. every week is a new week. you know, every week is its own game, its own -- its own sprint. and i find that that doesn't matter, make that big of a difference very often. >> should be a very good game. one other note, warriors hosting the timberwolves tonight. tipoff at 7:30. we can get you all the action right here on warriors pre-game live starting at 7:00 on comcast sportsnet bay area. kris, no word on who is starting tomorrow for the 49ers, c
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kaepernick or smith. coming up, a ground breaking liver cancer treatment close to approval and bay area researchers are leading the way.
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a team of scientists led by bay area doctors are studying a new use of the smallpox vaccine that may prolong the life of people with untreatable liver cancer. it involves injecting genetically engineered smol smallpox vaccine directly into their tumors. it alerts the immune system to attack only the cancerous cells. if it's approved it would be one of only two options available for people with liver cancer who have stopped responding to chemo
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and raid aegs asian. the treatment is in clinical trials at 47 sites worldwide including stanford. and we want to thank you for watching "nbc bay area news tonight at 5:00." we have more news coming up at 6:00. of course, next is "nightly news at 5:30" and we will see you back here in half hour. on this saturday night, cashing in. millions go in search of must have deals. the big stores are packed but a lot of folks are thinking small tonight, including the leader of the free world, shopping for that perfect present. television i


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